June, 2024

Food Security Monitor June 2024

Food Security Updates

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has launched a Regional Humanitarian Appeal of at least US$5.5 billion to support over 61 million people affected by the El Niño induced Drought and Floods. Ongoing harvests in the southern African region are driving prices down and supporting improved food security. However, the situation is expected to deteriorate after the next 2-3 months due to the severe below-average harvests caused by the El Nino driven drought which affected most of the southern African countries. Overall, Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Stressed (IPC Phase 2) conditions persist across the southern African countries.

Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Emergency (IPC Phase 4) outcomes persist across the Eastern Africa, region, particularly in Ethiopia and South Sudan. However, most parts of Kenya and Uganda are experiencing Stressed (IPC Phase 2) outcomes due to improved access to food as a result of declining maize prices driven by increased food supplies from the past harvests. 


In West Africa, Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Emergency (IPC Phase 4) outcomes mostly prevail across the region driven by poor macroeconomic conditions, conflicts and insecurity, early onset of the lean season with its attendant high food prices. However, a small proportion of the population in the northern region of Mali are predicted to be facing a Catastrophe situation (IPC Phase 5) due to insecurity concerns and the impact of the ongoing lean season.

Food Commodity Prices Updates

Generally, the prices of grains have remained low in the East African region over the past 1-12 months, except for South Sudan marred by deteriorating macro-economic conditions and rising conflict incidents that are disrupting livelihoods, trade, and food assistance delivery. In Southern Africa, the prices of monitored commodities (maize and rice) have declined or remained stable in most countries over the past month due to ongoing harvests. However, the impact of the El Niño-linked drought on regional agricultural production in 2024 and consequently cereal supplies, is expected to be a key driver of inflationary pressure this year. In West Africa, the changes in grain prices show mixed trends, with many countries experiencing price increases. The prices of grains have remained higher compared to the past 12 months.

Food Trade Updates

The government of Kenya has imposed a 2% levy on imports of maize, rice, wheat, beans, lentils, soybeans, and peanuts, and a 1% levy on imported potatoes, cassava, sweet potatoes, and yams. This is to take effect from 1st July 2024.

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has launched a Regional Humanitarian Appeal of at least US$5.5 billion to support over 61 million people affected by the El Niño induced Drought and Floods.

The government of Zambia suspends tax on maize imports to address shortages caused by El Nino-induced drought affecting about 45% of the total maize area planted, with 84 out of the 116 districts directly affected.

ECOWAS has launched the West African Competitiveness Observatory to Boost Regional Exports.  The new online tool is designed to enable policymakers and businesses in West Africa to track their countries’ trade competitiveness and to find new business opportunities in the region.


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