Our Story
Established in 2006. African-led, African based institution transforming smallholder agriculture from a solitary struggle to survive into farming as a business that thrives.
Our integrated approach
Sustainably Growing Africa’s Food Systems
AGRA 1.0 (2006-2016)
During ‘AGRA 1.0’ (2006-16), we focused on building the systems for agricultural transformation. We strengthened sector leadership by training over 800 PhD and MSc graduates. We increased the supply and distribution of improved inputs by supporting the production of nearly 600,000 Mt of seeds. We enhanced farmer awareness of good agronomic practices by training 5.3 million farmers on integrated soil fertility management. We strengthened post-harvest practices and marketing, supporting the sale of nearly 700,000 Mt of commodities. From our first 10 years of work, we learnt that agricultural transformation requires an integrated delivery approach across an ecosystem of partnerships and centered in country commitment.
AGRA 2.0 (2017-2021)
With AGRA 2.0 (2017 – 2021), we began designing and scaling models for transformation with a deliberate shift to collaborating with national governments. We facilitated 42 policy reforms, supported 11 national flagships, and mobilized $1.4 billion investment into the sector. We recruited and trained 33,000 Village-Based Advisors (VBAs) and supported 9,000 agro-dealers. As a result of our efforts, a majority of AGRA-supported farmers have adopted improved agronomic practices, with 75% of farmers adopting fertilizer use, 48% of farmers adopting improved seed, and 60% of farmers adopting improved post-harvest management practices..
AGRA 3.0(2022-present)
In our next phase of work, we will demonstrate our catalytic power for laying the foundations for an inclusive agricultural transformation. Our investments will focus on systemic change and will help to build a sustainable food system. AGRA will be accountable for its programme delivery to its partners, It will also contribute to the continental agenda, through the Malabo CAADP framework. This will include support for specific CAADP targets of zero hunger, improved nutrition, climate adaptation, and ending poverty.