1. Background
Established in 2006, AGRA is an African-led and Africa-based institution that puts smallholder farmers at the center of the continent’s growing economy by transforming agriculture from a solitary struggle to survive into farming as a business that thrives. Together with our partners, we are working to sustainably grow Africa’s food systems.
AGRA strengthens seed systems, develops, and promotes sustainable farming practices, helps unlock trade and markets, and supports governments who lead their countries’ development. We work with farmers to adapt to climate change, increase soil health, and protect the environment. AGRA believes deeply in the urgency of reducing the inequality that women face in agriculture, and to unlocking the power and innovation of youth.
For more information about AGRA, visit our website: https://agra.org/.
2. Objective
AGRA is looking for one to two creative design and print agency to create visual concepts to communicate AGRA’s ideas that will inspire, inform, and captivate our stakeholders and partners.
3. Scope of Work
- Conceptualizing and producing layouts and designs and providing alternative proposals with three different concepts and designs for each item.
- Producing short animations, infographics, graphic designs for social media platforms, e-newsletters, mailers, power point presentations whilst following the design guidelines.
- Participating and providing inputs to preparatory meetings for new campaigns/initiatives.
- Designing the Public Relations products/merchandise.
- Producing graphic design/layout for AGRA project brochure, external report, and folders.
The firms are expected to submit the price quotation for creative Design and Print services as per below list of activities and rate card.