VALUE4HER is AGRA’s continental initiative aimed at strengthening women’s agribusiness enterprises and enhancing voice and advocacy across Africa.

Strengthening Women’s Agribusiness Enterprises in Africa

The initiative aims to increase the performance of women entrepreneurs through access to markets and trade, access to finance and investments, through tailored online and offline match making activities, learning, networking, and global advocacy aimed at addressing some of the key barriers for women’s business growth and market participation in agriculture.

VALUE4HER is powered by VALUE4HERConnect, Africa’s first women in agribusiness digital marketplace, offering integrated business solutions to women agri enterprises.

The specific objectives of the initiative, crafted around the key constraints facing women agripreneurs, are:

  • Support women-led agribusinesses in their efforts to access competitive regional and global markets
  • Strengthen their knowledge, skills and capabilities of women business leaders toward improving their agribusinesses for growth and higher returns
  • Facilitate collective action and advocacy to level the playing field for women’s entrepreneurship
The VALUE4HER platform enhances visibility of women agribusinesses, helps them build collective capital and networks across the continent while facilitating easier connections with buyers, financiers, and other business service providers

We envision that VALUE4HER becomes an African Center of Excellence for Women’s Agripreneurship (ACEWA), offering:

Research, innovation, knowledge and insights into all aspects of women’s agripreneurship.
Hub of integrated digital resources and solutions required for growing women’s agribusinesses and reducing gender profitability gaps.
Digital identity and visibility for women agribusinesses to grow their networks.

Digitally tractable business graduation pathways from micro- small-medium-large business.
Sourcing Hub for gender intentional market players (buyers, financiers, business development service providers, TA providers) interacting with women business leaders.
Socio-capital generation platform for women in agribusiness, learning and earning profitably together, with a strong voice to influence gender friendly business landscape, policies, strategies and investments.

A platform of partners with intent to empower women and improve gender agriculture.