Policy Statement
1.1 The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and its governing body, the Board of Directors (BOD), are committed to high standards of transparency, accountability, ethics and integrity. This policy is intended to inform staff, grantees, consultants, suppliers and other third parties of this commitment, to encourage reporting of possible violations at the earliest opportunity, and to lay out procedures for reporting and investigating complaints and the protections afforded to whistleblowers.
1.2 The whistleblower policy is read together with other AGRA ethics policies comprising of the Ethics Policy, Antifraud Policy, Anti-money Laundering Policy, Environmental and Social Management Policy, Code of Conduct, Safeguarding Policy and Sexual Harassment Policy. All AGRA stakeholders, including staff, grantees, consultants, suppliers and other third parties have a duty to immediately report any illegal or unethical conduct occurring in relation to AGRA.