Policy Statement
AGRA is committed to providing a work environment that is free from any form of harassment including sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is sanctioned by local and international labor laws and is against AGRA’s values. AGRA applies a zero tolerance policy against any verbal or physical conduct by any employee either on or off premises that harasses, disrupts, or interferes with another employee’s work performance or that creates an intimidating, offensive, or a hostile environment or which intimidates any third parties that AGRA deals with. No form of inappropriate sexual conduct will be tolerated or condoned. Each and every employee will be treated with respect and dignity, irrespective of their status in AGRA. AGRA shall not condone behavior by non-employees in the work place that subjects an employee to inappropriate verbal or physical behavior that may be intimidating, offensive or hostile. All AGRA staff are expected to understand the contents of this Policy and abide by its requirements.