Established in 2006, AGRA is an African-led and Africa-based institution that puts smallholder farmers at the center of the continent’s growing economy by transforming agriculture from a solitary struggle to survive into farming as a thriving business. We are working with our partners to develop Africa’s food systems sustainably. In Tanzania, AGRA targets to reach three million farmers during the current strategy period with interventions that cut through four business lines and three cross-cutting areas. AGRA selected four complementary and integrated business lines: seed systems, sustainable farming, inclusive markets & trade (IMT), and policy & state capability (PSC). Besides the four business lines, AGRA and its partners selected three cross-cutting areas (a) inclusivity (enabling women and youth to contribute to agriculture for their economic empowerment), (b) climate change adaptation (equipping farmers and strengthening food systems to absorb and recover from shocks, and (c) nutrition (improving nutrition outcomes by diversifying crops and ensuring food availability). The strategy entry point is ‘’to support the country in building inclusive and competitive markets through value addition and trade.” The consultations with different stakeholders leading to the development of the strategy identified access to markets and trade as the main bottleneck in the food system that should be given priority in the strategy. However, success in building inclusive and competitive markets is premised on other business lines that involve inputs and productivity, sustainable agriculture, and policy & state capability working optimally. Thus, though the priority in this strategy is building inclusive markets and trade, AGRA is also looking to support interventions around the other business lines that include seed systems, sustainable farming, and policy & state capability. In strategy 3.0, AGRA will implement its investments in Tanzania in an integrated manner to ensure coordination across its business lines and create efficiencies for better impacts at the country level.