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Zabibu Magava is a VBA and a village agro dealer from Ihimbo Village in Iringa Tanzania. Through AGRA training/extension/support, she developed skills/accessed working capital for agro inputs and qualified for a matching grant in 2018, 2019 and 2020. Utilizing those skills/support, she was able to expand and increase acreage for maize cultivation from one acre to five acres and increased sales/revenue/incomes from US$ 650 to USD 6,500 from sale of inputs and farming. Today she boasts of being able to take her child to a better school and overall improved her family wellbeing.

Margreth Sanga is a hub agro dealer in Iringa Tanzania. Through AGRA training/extension/ linkage to retail agro dealers and VBAs, she developed skills and expanded her distribution channels from 4 outlets to 8. Utilizing those skills/support, she was able to increase sales/revenue/incomes by 50%. Today she boasts of having a nice house, taking her kids to better schools and her new investment in storage facility that she plan to do. Overall, her family wellbeing have improved.

Ritha Sekiyovele is a processor and exporter of fortified maize flour based in Iringa Tanzania. Through AGRA support and B2B linkages as well as warehouse expansion, she developed market intelligence skills, secured regional markets and she is buying quality grains from farmers supported by AGRA. Utilizing support received, she was able to increase sales/revenue/incomes by 40%. Today she boasts of expanding her business and storage capacity from 2,500MTs to 10,000MTs.

AGRA: Unleashing the power of #womeninag #VALUE4HER. LEAD, NETWORK, GROW IWD

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