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AGRA was established in 2006 with a remit to catalyze a farming revolution in Africa, underpinned by the belief that African farmers can change their lives with improved food security and incomes if only they had access to the opportunities; finance, inputs such as seeds and knowledge; and to markets.

We support the change needed in African farming systems, by complementing government efforts to develop the sector, and by working to develop a vibrant SME sector in agriculture.

Recognizing the need to better align and coordinate our many stakeholders, ensure complementarity of efforts and fast track a continental learning agenda in a complex sector, five development partners agreed to support AGRA’s mission, leading to the formation of the Partnership for Inclusive Agriculture Transformation in Africa (PIATA).

As AGRA approached the end of the second phase of our strategy in 2021, our PIATA partners selected Mathematica to conduct an independent, evidence-based, data-driven review of our work, our approach, and our results over the previous five years.

We invite you to read our evaluation, alongside our Management Response, also available below.

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