Desalegn, who is currently a Board member of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), said he hopes African governments undertake activities soon to put in place measures that launch an African green revolution.

“I hope in the coming 5 to 10 years, African countries will undertake activities to transform traditional agricultural practices into modern ones that can kick start agricultural revolution,” said Desalegn.

The former Ethiopian Prime Minister was speaking at an event in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, that was discussing possible ways forward that can initiate agricultural revolution in the continent.

“Most African farmers farm on small acres of land, so far the approach to changing their lives has been a fragmented one. African governmental and non-governmental organs need to collaborate to reach out to smallholder farmers to fundamentally change their livelihoods,” said Desalegn.

The former Ethiopian PM said African governments should have their own agricultural domestic policy and programs that can transform subsistence agricultural practices into modern ones.

“We should transform subsistence agriculture in African countries into commercial agriculture. Our farmers should be able produce surplus both in amount and quality, so they can compete in global markets,” said Desalegn.

Hailemariam Desalegn was Prime Minister of Ethiopia from September 2012 to April 2, 2018. He was succeeded by current Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Enditem