World Soil Day, celebrated on December 5, 2023, marks another annual event dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of healthy soil and advocating for sustainable soil management. This day presents a crucial moment for Africa, a continent where soil is not just a resource but the very foundation of life, culture, and survival. The day serves as a reminder of the importance of soil health, particularly in the African context where it supports the livelihoods of millions. Safeguarding the health of African soils for future generations is not just about enhancing food security but is also crucial for environmental sustainability and economic resilience across the continent.

The challenge of soil degradation in Africa is alarming. Deforestation, overgrazing, and inappropriate agricultural practices have led to severe soil erosion, nutrient depletion, and decreased agricultural productivity. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has reported that approximately 65% of Africa’s arable land is damaged, with soil erosion affecting about 30% of the continent’s land. This degradation not only threatens food production but also the ecological balance, affecting biodiversity and the natural systems that many rural communities depend upon.

Africa’s diverse climates and ecosystems present unique challenges and opportunities in soil management. The Sahel region, for example, faces soil erosion mainly due to wind, while in sub-Saharan Africa, water-induced soil erosion is more prevalent. These issues are further compounded by the impacts of climate change, which introduces more unpredictable weather patterns and extreme events, exacerbating soil erosion and degradation.

However, amidst these challenges, there are rays of hope. Across the continent, innovative soil health practices are being implemented to combat these issues. AGRA is leading groundbreaking efforts to enhance soil health, a crucial step towards food security and environmental sustainability. AGRA has embarked on various initiatives to combat soil degradation across the continent. AGRA’s approach is multifaceted, focusing on research, education, and practical interventions. The adoption of regenerative agriculture practices is gaining momentum. These practices, which focus on using local knowledge and natural resources, are creating sustainable and productive farming systems. The use of compost and manure to improve soil fertility, integration of trees in farming systems (agroforestry), and promotion of indigenous crops suited to local conditions are examples of such practices.

AGRA invests heavily in research and development to understand the specific needs of different soil types across Africa. Research projects in collaboration with local and international agricultural institutions. These projects aim to develop soil-specific fertilizers and identify sustainable farming practices that can rejuvenate soil nutrients without harming the environment. This commitment to soil health is a commitment to life itself, a recognition of the intertwined destiny of soil and humanity, particularly in a continent as diverse and vibrant as Africa.

Awareness and knowledge are key to changing farming practices. AGRA conducts extensive training programs for farmers, focusing on soil health management techniques. These include conservation agriculture, integrated pest management, and the use of organic matter for soil enrichment, significantly impacting soil management practices at the grassroots level. AGRA promotes sustainable agricultural practices that maintain and improve soil health. These practices include crop rotation, intercropping, use of cover crops, appropriate crop nutrition among others. Such methods help in maintaining soil structure, preventing erosion, and enhancing soil fertility. AGRA works closely with African governments to influence policy decisions regarding soil health. Their efforts have led to the implementation of favourable agricultural policies in several countries, promoting sustainable soil management.

The impact of AGRA’s initiatives is evident in the improved soil health and increased crop yields reported in various regions. In Kenya for example through initiative such as the sustainable land management program, Laikipia Isiolo Samburu transforming the environment through nexus and strengthening regenerative agriculture in Kenya program. While progress is being made, the journey towards completely revitalized African soils is long. AGRA continues to champion the cause, but it requires the collaborative effort of governments, NGOs, the private sector, and most importantly, the farmers themselves. On this World Soil Day, we celebrate the strides made by AGRA and other stakeholders in enhancing soil health in Africa. Their work not only contributes to food security but also plays a critical role in combating climate change and promoting sustainable development. Let us all join hands in this noble endeavour to protect and nurture the very foundation of our existence – the soil.