
COVID-19: Measuring Impacts and Prioritizing Policies for Recovery

With support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM), IFPRI is working with governments and local partners, including IFPRIā€™s country programs, to evaluate the economic costs of COVID-19 in developing countries, and identify policy and public investment priorities for relief (2020) and recovery (2020-2022) periods, and over the longer-term (to 2030). Working at national and sector levels, the work program is (a) assessing the exposure of national food systems to COVID-19 shocks; (b) identifying vulnerable population groups, including poor men and women; and (c) recommending policies to mitigate risks to food security, poverty, and diet quality.

IFPRIā€™s COVID-19 studies are already underway in some countries, driven by government and demand. Support from BMGF and USAID is allowing IFPRI to do the following:

  • Increase the number of countries where COVID-19 studies are being conducted.
  • Maintain in-country engagement with governments and local partners, USAID missions, BMGF in-country staff, and theĀ Alliance for a Green Revolution in AfricaĀ (AGRA).
  • Broaden the analysis to cover not only COVID-19 impacts, but also relief and recovery policies.
  • Track a range of risks (climate variability, global market uncertainty) and outcomes (diet quality).Ā Ā 


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