The AASR is a strategic guide for African leadership to focus on accelerating agri-food transformations to reduce food insecurity, meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and build African resilience to global and local shocks.

AASR (Africa Agriculture Status Report)

Empowering Africa’s Food Systems for the Future

The Africa Agriculture Status Report (AASR 2024), titled “Harnessing the Private Sector for Food Systems Transformation in Africa.” The Africa Agriculture Status Report 2024 highlights the transformative role of MSMEs in shaping Africa’s agrifood landscape. By harnessing the power of the private sector, we can drive meaningful food systems transformation and achieve sustainable growth. This report provides actionable insights on supporting MSMEs to enhance their impact on food security and economic development.

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"Empowering African food systems requires a multi-faceted approach that includes technological advancements, innovation, and knowledge, digital revolution, trade, and innovative financing for a sustainable future."